So Long to 2023! big Welcome to 2024!

Hello readers! Hopefully there are more of you out there than just my sisters:)

So glad you’re here! Hope you come along with me on my floral explorations this year! This is my 4th season of growing to sell here at Little Farm and I can not wait!

It’s been a bit since I’ve written a post! And this isn’t really going to be one either:D

Just a quick list of things I’m excited about this growing season!

  • Hurray for more ranunculus, anemone and snapdragon! I’ve nearly tripled the amounts I’m growing of each of these beauties. I adore them all and can’t wait to see them do their thing in a few months!

  • Hello to 225 peonies! I finally took the plunge and made a nice investment in the future. The “experts” say I need to disbud them this year. That means take ALL their baby flowers off so they can concentrate on getting big and strong. I may cheat a little on this! At any rate, I got these planted in late 2023 and will be nurturing them along for the next few years as they reach their full potential. CAN.NOT.WAIT!

  • Dahlias dahlias dahlias - This is the time of year that dahlia growers do 2 things -1) fret obsessively that the tubers they’re overwintering aren’t going to make it, and 2) shop for more dahlias! There are countless dahlia tuber sales that pop up almost daily all over the country. Social media makes it super easy both to advertise a sale and to shop at a sale. It’s like a never ending scavenger hunt! I try to make wish lists of ones I’d like to add but inevitably go off down a bunny trail! Last year I grew almost 600 dahlias. I’m trying to only add a “few more” to that…we’ll see.  I’m more than a little bit obsessed with this diva of the fall garden! It’s challenging not to want more of them!

  • Farewell and good riddance to plants that haven’t worked well for me - asters, calendula and stock I’m looking at you! If I’ve tried growing something from seed multiple times without success it’s time to move on. Short stems, pitiful blooms, whatever. Life’s too short, space is limited and there’s plenty of other amazing things out there to grow! So if you’re a fan of any of those, I apologize. They are dead to me.

Thanks for tuning in to the somewhat incoherent ramblings of this cut flower grower. I have resolved to do better in the new year!



Garden Gambling